Today article is about, What is Lipoma? What causes of Lipoma Lump? Symptoms, What is inside Lipoma? Diagnosis, Best Treatment
A lipoma is a round-or oval-shaped piece of tissue that can grow under the skin. It is made up of fat, it moves easily when touched, and is generally painless. Lipomas can be placed anywhere on the body, but most often appear on the back of the body (body), the arms, the shoulders and the nape of the neck.
Lipomas are benign soft tissue tumors. They grow slowly and do not cause any damage. Most lipomas do not require treatment. If you have any concerns that you may have a lipoma, your doctor may be able to remove it on an out-patient basis.
Lipoma are very common in women:
Lipoma is a very common phenomenon. About 1 in every 1,000 people have a lipoma. Lipomas are mostly between the ages of 40 and 60 years of age, but it can develop at any age. They may even occur after birth. Lipomas affect people of all genders, but they are slightly more common in women.
There are a number of possible risk factors include::
1- As with so many other things, to exercise, you can protect it. Some of the doctors are of the opinion that the lipomas are more common in inactive people.
2- Lipoma of genetics, are very common in families, so genes may play a role.
3- The age of Although lipomas can develop in any person, and who they're most often in middle-aged men, between the ages of 40 and 60.
4- In a medical condition that can cause a person to one or more of the limes as they are, Gardner's syndrome, a genetic disorder that results in the formation of benign and malignant tumors.
or more family, illness, or (mostly seen in men, which is to drink lots of water).
1- The lipoma is most likely to feel loose, or a rubber-like feel, and you can even move your finger a little bit. Lipomas are usually not painful and do not cause any symptoms at all. The one exception to this: A person with a lipoma can be a pain if the lipoma puts pressure on the nerves and blood vessels.
2- What is very important and encouraging to know that the lipomas are not cancerous. If the lipoma does not grow, or it will not interfere, in a certain way, there is no need to take further action once it has been approved. The doctor, of course, will be to ensure that the lipoma.
3- Lipomas can form anywhere on the body, but it is most likely to be found on the trunk, shoulders, neck, and arms. As a rule, they grow slowly and usually do not have more than 2 cm in diameter, although some can grow even more.
Causes And Risk Factors For The Development Of Lipoma :
- The Experts don't know exactly what causes lipoma, but there are some who believe it is a response to physical damage. The Others are of the opinion that it is a lipoma is already in place and has been demonstrated by means of a trauma.
- There are a number of possible risk factors include::
As with so many other things, to exercise, you can protect it. Some of the doctors are of the opinion that the lipomas are more common in inactive people.
Lipomas are very common in families, so genes may play a role.
- The age of Although lipomas can develop in any person, and who they're most often in middle-aged men, between the ages of 40 and 60.
Lipomas Are Usually Not Painful:
- But can cause discomfort if they have to put pressure on a nerve, or to develop in the area of the spinal column. A lot of people who are suffering from lipoma do not notice any symptoms at all. Lipomas are:
- Contained: it does not spread to the surrounding tissues.
- Painlessness, However, some lipomas cause pain and discomfort, depending on the location, the size, and the presence of blood vessels.
- Round or Oval: Acid Papules substances that are usually symmetric.
A lipoma is a round-or oval-shaped piece of tissue that can grow under the skin. It is made up of fat, it moves easily when touched, and is generally painless. Lipomas can be placed anywhere on the body, but most often appear on the back of the body.
The Types of Lipoma:
In spite of all lipomas are made of fat, there are sub-categories based on how they look under a microscope. Some of the types include:
- Common lipoma (In normal, adult, white, fat).
- Hibernomia: (Brown fat instead of plain white, bold)
- Fibrolipoma: (Fat plus a fibrous tissue)
- Angiolipoma: (Fat, as well as a large number of blood vessels)
- Myelolipoma :(Fat plus, it's the tissue that makes blood cells)
- Spindle cell lipoma: (Fat out of the cells, such as bars and rods)
- Pleomorphic lipoma:(Fat in the cells of various shapes and sizes)
- Atypical lipoma: (The deeper fat, with a range of cells)arms, the shoulders and the nape of the neck.
And, although the doctors can usually only make a diagnosis of a lipoma on the basis of a medical history and perform a physical examination, and in some cases, imaging tests may be useful.
1- The X-ray:
Although these studies have clear pictures of dense structures, such as bones, X-rays may reveal a significant shadow is caused by a soft tissue tumor, such as a lipoma.
2- Computed tomography (CT) scan:
These images are more detailed than those of x-ray images, and the show frequently in fat mass, in order to confirm that it is a lipoma diagnosis.
3- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI):
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides the most reliable information for the diagnosis of the IL, which you have to take a picture of the quality of the soft tissue, such as a lipoma. An MRI scan shows fat mass in all directions. Often, doctors can only make a diagnosis of a lipoma on the basis of magnetic resonance imaging, and no biopsy is necessary.
MRI of a lipoma in the elbow
(Located on the left-hand side of the MRI of the elbow is a clear lipoma. (Right) location of the lipoma to the contiguous MRI images.
4- A biopsy specimen:
Occasionally, a biopsy is needed to confirm the diagnosis of lipoma. During a biopsy, a sample of the tumor tissue is removed and examined under a microscope. Your doctor may give you a topical anesthetic to numb the area, and take for a sample with a needle. A biopsy may also be done as a small company.
In most of the cases, one lipoma, liver biopsy is not needed to confirm the diagnosis. After the lipoma is removed, the samples will be biopsied.
Under the microscope, lipomas tend to have a classic appearance with a wide number of mature fat cells. There may be times when a small number of other types of cells, such as cartilage or bone.
5- Liposarcoma:
During the diagnostic phase, your doctor will work to differentiate a lipoma from a more aggressive form of fatty tissue tumor is called a liposarcoma. Liposarcomas are malignant. The symptoms of liposarcoma are different from that of a lipoma. Liposarcoma are usually quick to grow, there are often painful, and they are not as mobile as lipomas.
People with lipomas are no more likely to develop cancer of the fat in the future. The exception to this is for those with an atypical lipomas. This sub-species of the lipoma can develop into a liposarcoma, but this is rare.
Because lipomas are benign tumors, no treatment is possible, and depending on your symptoms. If no treatment is chosen, it is important that you see your doctor regularly to check for any changes in the tumor.
Excision (Removal)
It is the only drug that is able to completely remove a lipoma.
In the process. During this procedure, a local anesthetic is usually injected around the tumor in the area is numb. Large lipomas, or deep in the regional anesthesia, or general anesthesia. In regional anesthesia, anesthetizes a large area by the injection of analgesics, in particular nerve. General anesthesia puts you to sleep at night.
After anesthesia, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin, and to remove the tumor.
Recovery. You need to be able to go home immediately after the surgery, as it is a little or superficial masses. You will receive several stitches, in which the doctor will try to remove it within a few weeks from now.
How long does it take to get it back is to go for in order to make the most of your day to day activities will vary depending on the size and location of your lipoma. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort, you can choose to have a specific activity. Your doctor will give you specific tips to help you recover.
Repeat. Lipoma is nearly always dealt with in a simple way. It is rare for a lipoma to grow back, but if it appears again, with a snap back is to be the best treatment option.
Steroid injections are sometimes used to decrease the value of a lipoma, but it will most likely not solve it completely.
The investigation is still on-going in order to learn more about the different sub-types of lipomas, and why do they happen in the first place. In the future, there are specific recommendations for the treatment of a number of species of the lipoma.
1-Calcarea Carb:
Is One of the best Herbal Lipoma Remedies for Obesity
Calcarea Carb is one of the best lipoma constitutional remedies. As a rule, a person who is in need of a Calcarea carb is obese. Several constitutional requirements must be inspected prior to use.
The first of these is the tendency to excessive sweating on the head.
The second one is a sensitivity to the cold air. Finally, I have special dietary requirements, such as the desire for hard-boiled eggs, and indigestible things like chalk, and crayons. Long-term constipation, and an increased level of acidity that can be associated with a lipoma in a number of cases. If this is a constitutional symptoms overlap with the symptoms of the patient, the patient's homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb, and can help you with the complete disappearance of the droplets.
2- Sulfur:
A homeopathic medicine of great help in the treatment of the linden tree
Sulfur is the next in a constitutional homeopathic medicine that can be very useful in the treatment of lime-trees. Sulfur is the most powerful drugs, such as calcium carbonate in the treatment of a lipoma. But the drug has been given to the patient according to their constitution. As Calcarea carb, Sulfur, and has a unique constitutional symptoms prior to use. An important function of Sera extremely hot sensations in the body. A fever you can see it in the palms of the hands, feet, and head. The skin will remain predominantly dry, and it shows in the dirt. Certain types of skin diseases, currently or in the past, may be taken into account in the consideration of the case by the patient. An additional feature is a pronounced aversion to the bathroom. In the diet of the patient, the patient may be an increase in the need for something sweet.
3- Belladonna:
The best of the best homeopathic remedies for painful lipomas .
The homeopathic medicine Belladonna is useful if the lipoma is painful. The pain may get worse when you are in contact with the shoe. Here, Belladonna, it will help you to relieve the pain, and the dissolution of the lipoma.
4- Thuja:
Thuja a homeopathic remedy that is very useful in the treatment of over-growth anywhere on the body. They have a strong capacity to help manage the entire distribution of the grease build up. As a person with lipomas have a high level of cholesterol in the blood, the use of a homeopathic preparation, They is still very useful.
Always use medicines after complete symptoms and doctor's advise
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